MEWING: Jawline exercises, effective for reshaping face? | Mewing Before and After Results

Mewing, the trending trick that's slimming down jawlines across the world! A "life hack" to chisel your jawline and give you instant slimming in your face and neck for that perfect selfie. Fitness Scheme examines the effectiveness of mewing and the claims it can slim the jawline permanently.


“[John Mew] told me that he would examine specimens in museums, and from this he deduced that jaw deficiencies and malocclusion — a misaligned bite — were nonexistent in the archaeological and animal records.”

NY Times Magazine
Dr. Mew checking out ancient jawlines.

Mewing is named after and was invented by an orthodontist named Dr. Mike Mew (interesting bio here)

Mewing, in basic terms, is the thought that the placement of the tongue in the mouth, over time, can re-shape the jawline (webmd: more in-depth info here).

How to Mew?

Mewing is, in my simple terms, just the act of spreading the back part of the tongue over the top of the mouth which in turn retracts part of the throat to give the jawline a more defined look. (Check out this video from a mewer (?) on more detailed steps).

Routines need to be completed over an extended period of time to train muscle memory to keep the tongue in this position even at rest, resulting in a constant defined jawline.

Is Mewing effective?

Other than personal anecdotes (like in the video linked above), nothing suggests the claim of permanent jawline transformation is attainable by long term mewing.

Mewing is easily faked. It can be faked in real time, on-demand, and faked anywhere!

  1. How I faked a sweet jawline: mewing. My real before and after results!
    1. Step 1 – mew
    2. Step 2 – take a million photos cause wow! You look good! Mew mew!
Expected results for mewing. If you have tried it, it is very obvious this position cannot be maintained for long periods of time.


Scam Scale Rating – Yellow (Lies)

Mewing gets a yellow rating from the scam scale because there is a shred of truth to it, it does help define the jawline, momentarily. While at the same time the claims of long term jawline reshaping or slimming results remain to be seen. There is also information (webmd) suggesting you could deform or injure your jaw by the actions of mewing.

It should be noted mewing can be a part of a doctor prescribed treatment plan for sleep apnea or crooked teeth (webmd), which is another reason mewing did not get moved higher in the scam scale pyramid as it is used in the medical profession.

Mewing gets the YELLOW rating due to being effective for pictures, but not for reshaping the jaw.

The Real

Mewing is dumb. If you’re trying to get a better selfie by trying to suck in some of that chubby chin, then mew away.

To think you’re going to somehow train your tongue through muscle memory to stay uncomfortably (kind of blocking airways, too) atop your month for such a small change in appearance is just silly and according to some health professionals could have some severely negative long-term effects.

You’re better off just losing fat and get better definition everywhere throughout your entire body.

Thanks for reading.