The Scheme

The same repeated lies are used to sell products and services everyday to unsuspecting customers who are told the science is settled (it rarely is).
Eager consumers validate some of the most ridiculous purchases because an influencer's cookie cutter coaching and super supplements were what was missing in the effort to attain a healthy lifestyle. The difficult truth is that losing fat, getting in better shape, gaining muscle or any other fit-lifestyle related goal will take time and could be years before the final goal is reached.
One thing you will never say is you regret working towards a healthy happy lifestyle. The best part is Fitness Scheme is here to help by researching what works and what to avoid, exploring all the fads, examining all the trends, and debunking all the nonsense to help anyone make the best fitness/lifestyle decisions.

The Mission

Fitness Scheme is here to discover what works and what to avoid, explore the fitness fads, examining all the trends, and debunk all the nonsense to help anyone make the best fitness/lifestyle decisions.